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Image by Clay Banks

The best things in life are free. 

 Free Resources 

Factory Pipelines_edited.jpg

Factory Assessment

Are you a manufacturer in the Greater Toronto Area? We are offering free on-site assessments of your factory and warehouse. You will meet with Desi Narayanan, founder, operational expert with over 25 years of experience, with a track record of successful business commercializations. Meet the guy we call "magic maker" and see what a new perspective on your operations can do for your business. 


Free Seminar

Interested in a one hour seminar on digital adoption, strategy deployment, or Lean Six Sigma? We offer a free 1 hour seminar to new clients so they can dip their toes into the vast body of Lean knowledge.

Image by Blake Wisz

Ghetto ERP

Are you a small company that does everything manually and it’s operationally chaotic? You wish you had enough money for a full ERP system but you don't? We can help you intelligently digitize your processes using the free tools you already own. Hire us for a ghetto ERP implementation at a fraction of the cost, and we'll leave you with a free system solution that actually works. 

 Training Tips 

Tip #001

Who are the key players in a Lean workshop?



Tip #004

What's a typical strategic mistake in setting cost cutting goals?

Tip #007

What is strategy and how does it differ from day to day activity?

Tip #010

What are different ways of scheduling work?

Tip #002

What are some conversational techniques critical for a problem solving culture?

Tip #005

How do we ensure work gets done?

Tip #008

What is a valuestream?

Tip #011

What's the financial journey of implementing Lean?

Tip #003

How can we measure and analyze our processes?


Tip #006

How do we engage employees in strategy?

Tip #009

What is a tool for getting to root causes?

Tip #012

What are the wastes that slow down process?

 Free Services 

 Free Resources 

 Free Services 

 Free Services 

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